Calamari Ripieni | Italian Stuffed Calamari

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  • Category All
  • Servings 5
  • Prep Time 45-60 min
  • Cook Time 20 min

Calamari really comes into its own when it is filled with a savory bread stuffing. The stuffing adds heft and both a rustic and elegant finish. Calamari Ripieni is stuffed squid. The filling/stuffing, however, can be made out of different ingredients, which usually includes the squid tentacles that are chopped or minced.

You can serve it as a second course or, in small portions, an antipasto.

  • • The Quattro or Primo Wood Burning Pizza Oven
  • Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet Pan
  • • Immersion blender
    Clean the squids by removing its skin, separating its tentacles from its body, and removing the innards from the body. Store the cleaned squids in the fridge covered with some wet paper towels until you are ready to use them.


  • • 5 (1 lb) squid, cleaned (see notes)
    For the stuffing:

  • • The tentacles from the squid, finely minced
  • • 1 teaspoon of finely minced garlic
  • • 1 ½ cup of breadcrumbs
  • • 2 teaspoons of finely minced cappers, well rinsed
  • • A sprig of fresh parsley, finely minced
  • Zerillo Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • • Salt
  • • Pepper
    For the Aioli sauce:

  • • 1 large egg
  • ½ cup of Zerillo Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • • ½ cup of avocado oil
  • • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • • A pinch of salt
    • Step 1.

      For the stuffing:
      Fire up your Ciao Bella Pizza Oven. Aim for 400°F on the stones. You can check the temperature inside your oven quickly and easily using the built-in temperature thermometer gauge.

    • Step 2.

      Clean the squid if need be and separate the tentacles from the body (see notes).

    • Step 3.

      Finely mince/chop the squid tentacles.

    • Step 4.

      In the Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet Pan, heat 1 tablespoon of Zerillo Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil and 1 teaspoon of finely minced garlic.

    • Step 5.

      Cook the garlic until slightly brown and fragrant.

    • Step 6.

      Next, add the finely mince/chop the squid tentacles and give them a good stir. Add a pinch of salt. Let the squid cook for 2 to 3 minutes.

    • Step 7.

      Remove the tentacles from the pan. Transfer to a mixing bowl and let the squid cool.

    • Step 8.

      In the same pan toast the breadcrumbs.

    • Step 9.

      Mix the breadcrumbs with the cooked squid tentacles, chopped parsley, cappers, a pinch of salt and pepper, and a delicate drizzle of olive oil.

    • Step 10.

      Give everything a turn, and keep stirring until you have a smooth, soft but compact mixture that comes away from the bottom of the mixing bowl. Add a bit of olive oil if it looks a bit dry or some breadcrumbs if it looks too loose.

    • Step 11.

      Fill the squid sacs with the stuffing mixture, with a small spoon. Leave some space at the open end paying attention to not overfill them, and close the squid sacs with a toothpick.

    • Step 12.

      Place the squid sacs inside the cast iron skillet with a delicate drizzle of Zerillo Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Add a little bit of water to the bottom of the skillet to prevent the squid sacs from sticking or burning.

    • Step 13.

      Cook the squid sacs inside the Ciao Bella Pizza Oven at 400°F for 20 minutes.
      Keep some cold water aside. If the squids start to dry out on the bottom, add some water to prevent them from burning. Cook until they begin to stiffen.

    • Step 14.

      Finally, serve the stuffed calamari with their sauce while still warm.

    • Step 15.

      For the Aioli sauce:
      Remove the germ from the garlic gloves. Removing the germ is easy – cut the clove in half (or smash it) and use a knife to remove.

    • Step 16.

      Put all the ingredients in a beaker and mix with an immersion blender.
      Pay attention to not overmixing the sauce otherwise it could split.

    • Step 17.

      Adjust with salt and serve.

    • Step 18.